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Jul 27

What makes Performer v7 unique?

As the other OB Trader bots, Performer v7 is trained using evolution strategies — machine learning concept which uses optimization technique based on ideas of evolution.

Performer is the seventh generation of the new bot types based on the Performer AI architecture. It is an innovative machine learning framework that significantly boosts speed and performance in training compared to other types of AI models.

Combining Performer model type with trading markets makes Performer v7 stand out compared to other trading bots.

How does Performer work?

Performer works similarly to other OB Trader bots of the same category. When activated, every 4 hours, it does market scans — retrieving new market data with a new candlestick. Based on the latest data and detected price patterns, the bot defines if it’s a BUY, SELL, or HOLD.

Then, Performer calculates the confidence threshold (e.g., how confident is it in the decision) — range from 0–100. It includes factors like the amount of risk and the expected change in the market. Then, Performer decides on the amount of asset to be bought/sold using the confidence threshold value.

What are its strengths?

Spots all-time highs. One of the most notable traits of the Performer we noticed during the initial testing is that it is very good at spotting all-time highs.

Generalizes well. Generalization in AI means that the model can adapt to new environments more easily. That makes Performer flexible and trade well in the unseen markets or during new market conditions.

Maintains value. Performers are solid at securing gained profits. Even during a downtrend market, Performer tends not to lose too much of its earnings acquired during the uptrend. Performer’s drawdown ratio is usually much lower than the market’s.

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